Thursday, May 10, 2007

Think Of Tom McCall - Bill Failing, Portland

[Sent to Senators Brown, Ferrioli, Nelson, and Monnes Anderson:]

I can hardly believe it is necessary to write this letter, as the Metolius River basin is so unique and so Oregon scenic, that one would think that it would be safe from developer desecration. Yet, here it is on the table. You and your Rules Committee colleagues have an opportunity to be heroic. Stop this dead in its tracks!

This sell-off by Jefferson County, not known for their planning brilliance---but known for pleading poverty, needs intervention by those with a more global view.

Partisan politics aside, think of Tom McCall…who always did what was best for Oregon. You can (must) carry on his vision!

Thanks for protecting what will be appreciated by Oregonians for generations ahead!

Bill Failing
Portland, OR
(Our family has enjoyed the Metolius for 85 years---I want my grandkids to enjoy it as we have!)

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