Friday, May 11, 2007

Metolius is NO PLACE for destination resorts - John Schubert, Bend

Greetings Senators & Representatives,

Please act decisively to help Oregon remain Oregon, by giving the strongest possible protection to the Metolius basin. The Metolius is NO PLACE for destination resorts--it would be over run and ruined for all Oregonians, for the benefit of a few.

My family has visited this precious place since the 1950's and it still remains an important place where we can see the old Oregon, disappearing all too fast in the face of rampant post-measure 37 growth.

Destination resorts that convert prime forest habitat into sprawling rural subdivisions of luxury homes are not in the long term interest of our state. Please do not sell out our future for short-term economic gains. If all of Oregon begins to look like the rest of the country, we will have lost a great treasure.

Thanks for your consideration.

John Schubert
Bend, OR

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