Thursday, May 17, 2007

Don't Let Developers Rob Us - Mirza Dickel


I don't know why our Oregonians condone the antics of the developers to succeed in destroying the very things that make us all want to live here. Our wild and beautiful empty spaces are why we don't live in New York or Chicago, and yet we passively ignore legislation such as Senate Bill 30, which prohibited resorts within 3 miles of the Metolius River Watershed, and now I understand that regulation has been withdrawn. It is perfectly obvious that some developer / a greedy real estate person who has his eye on making money / has managed to eliminate the restriction. It always seems to end up as simple as GREED. It never has to do with how we live, what we care about, how we feel about our every-day lives. If you live in Oregon, you can climb our mountains, you can swim in our rivers and lakes, you can hike on our trails, and it doesn’t cost a nickel. That’s why we live here. Don’t let developers rob us of what is ours to enjoy. Please revert to the original bill and keep the restriction.


Mirza Dickel

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