Monday, April 23, 2007

Land Use Planning At Its Worst - James Olmstead, Eugene

(Sent to Senators Kate Brown, Betsy Johnson, Ben Westlund, Vick Walker, Frank Morse, Jeff Kruse, Rick Metsger:)

Dear Elected Officials:

I am writing to urge you to adopt and put into law SB 30 for the protection of the Metolius River and its environs. That large scale residential development would be allowed in this pristine area is land use planning at its worst. Development should be concentrated in metropolitan areas and not allowed to spill into the natural areas that provide us with the water, clean air and topsoil we need to live. It is equally a travesty of land use planning to destroy such remarkable and unique scenic values as those possessed by the Metolius. Do you really want to be remembered for participating in such short sighted and greed driven development? The stain of greed and corruption of values that will result from this development will not be one which can be washed away with time. It will exist forever, and will call into question the absence of morality, paucity of judgment and lack of concern for future generations of those elected officials who would allow such mean and wasteful actions. Don't let such judgments of future generations be your heritage. Please do the right thing, for now and forever, and pass SB 30.

My thanks for your consideration of this letter.

Best Regards,

James L. Olmsted, Esq.*
Conservation & Preservation Counsel, L.L.C.
Eugene, OR
*Admitted to practice law in:
California (active), Nevada (active),
Oregon (active) and Washington (active).

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