Saturday, March 24, 2007

Short-Sighted Move - Ervin Siverson, Portland

Dear Rep. [Chip] Shields:
I am writing to offer my support of Senate Bill 30 that addresses siting issues of destination resorts, specifically the Metolius River Basin. In a short-sighted move, Jefferson County has proposed the siting of two areas of land within the Metolius Basin for destination resorts. As you are probably aware, the Metolius Basin is a state treasure that already is showing stress from overuse due to the rapid growth of the Bend area/Deschutes County. Jefferson County Commissioners believe they are being forward thinking by siting this land for destination resorts in order to increase their tax base, yet the development of these lands will destroy the natural beauty of the area. With Senator Ron Wyden pushing to restore federal tax dollars for logging dollars lost, this potential tax revenue for Jefferson County is not needed. The headwaters of the Metolius River were donated to the people of the State of Oregon for all to enjoy; and with the Metolius having a Wild and Scenic River designation, Senate Bill 30 makes sense to preserve this designation for generations to come, not for the wealthy few who can afford a resort home. Thanks in advance for your attention to this matter.

Ervin Siverson
Portland, OR

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