Saturday, May 26, 2007

Thank You Senators - Pat Krause, Portland

[Sent to those Senators supporting SB 30:]

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your vote to pass Senate Bill 30! Thank you for listening to the citizens of Oregon, for doing your homework and educating yourselves on the issue, and for recognizing that "development" is not always "progress" or "quality" to Oregonians. Thank you for having the wisdom and forethought to vote to save one of our greatest national treasures. You proved that you do care. You have showed the citizens of Oregon that you have the courage and conviction to protect and preserve the quality of life Oregonians want and deserve. A life that does include growth and success for the state, but not at the expense of our unique and pristine natural resources which can never be replaced. You make me proud to be an Oregonian!!


Pat Krause
Portland, Oregon

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