Friday, May 18, 2007

Heavan Isn't So Far Away - Frances Hogan, Palo Alto, CA

Dear Senator:

Senate Bill 30 is a remarkable bill that was proposed by some of the Senators. I urge you to support SB30 in its present restored form, giving protection to the Metolius River Basin. My family has leased a lot from the Forest Service on the River for seventy years. Each year when we return to vacation, we are amazed at how the area doesn't change! It is a unique place that has been preserved in its natural beauty----the river's cold, clear water comes from a place that we cannot see, but it isn't unlimited, the fish and the animals abound in their native habitat. Everything depends on a proper balance of all the elements. That is why the Federal Government recognized this and created the Wild and Scenic River designation for the Metolius River.

The Metolius River Basin is part of the Naked Planet! Let's not see it covered with pavement, houses, lodges, landscaping, golf courses, and wells, where the water will be sucked out -- all the use of humans!!

It is my strong conviction that we have an obligation to protect the treasures of the Metolius River Basin. Construction of Resorts would change all that forever and the environment would be irreparably harmed.

I hope that you will be a Senator who listened and cared for the future of this special place! I think that when I die and, hopefully, go to Heaven, it will look exactly like the Metolius River Basin!!!!

Frances B. Hogan
Palo Alto, CA

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