Thursday, May 10, 2007

"Destination Resorted" To Death - Mike Golden, Redmond

The following letter was sent to all five members of the Rules Committee and to the House leadership.

I am a fish and wildlife biologist with over 40 years of experience in dealing with fish and wildlife and their habitats.

I have not been involved in the testimony regarding this bill as I have been away from home and was unaware that there was the potential for more impacts to fish and wildlife in the Metolius basin. The adoption of Senate Bill 30 in its original form is the only way that the Metolius basin can be protected from large scale development.

Any compromise that reduces habitat, impairs water quality or causes significant increase in activity will result in the lowering of the ability for that land to accommodate fish and wildlife. Development that has already occurred has, indeed, reduced wildlife habitat. In some places, very significantly.

Anadramous fish are being reintroduced into the basin, almost as this letter is being penned. Bull trout need the protection that only water of the highest quality can provide. Mule deer winter in the basin. Non game wildlife species are abundant. Wildlife viewing is rapidly becoming on of the most widely enjoyed activies in the state of Oregon if not the nation. In addition, the economic effects to the local economy are widely recognized as significant.

As a person who has worked, hunted, fished, birded and hiked in the Metolius basin as well as throughout the state, I can assure you that no one place embodies as many amenities for fish wildlife and recreation as the Metolius basin.

The Deschutes and Crooked River watersheds are being "destination resorted" to death. You have a great opportunity to preserve the Metolius basin as a place that is for natural places and wild things without the threat of man made impacts sto its existence.

Please, give the Metolius River the protection it needs and deserves by totally prohibiting all resorts within three miles of the Metolius basin.


Mike Golden
Redmond, OR

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