Monday, April 23, 2007

Very important Bill - Nancy Graham, Portland

Dear Senator Morse,

I am one more voice supporting this very important SB 30. Please give the Senate the opportunity to vote on this bill.

The Metolius basin is an amazing place, enjoyed by campers, hikers, fishermen, the very small local population, summer cabin and RV dwellers. The natural beauty of the river is unsurpassed. The air is clean. The water is crystal clear. Life in Camp Sherman is simple. There are community pancake breakfasts and annual barbeques at the Camp Sherman Store which is on Forest Service land. There is a volunteer fire department and the garbage disposal site
is operated by volunteers as well. How could the addition of a resort development of 3000 homes be any thing but devastating to this pristine, place?

Have you ever watched an osprey dive for fish in a river? Have you ever looked up to see 30 turkey vultures spreading their wings in the tree tops? These are the things I share with my grandchildren each summer. Camp Sherman is a world away form the more populated areas of the county. The Jefferson County Commissioners failed to listen to the people who really care. I hope you will.

Nancy A. Graham

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