Thursday, April 26, 2007

Future Value Is Spectacular Scenery - Spencer H. Wood, Boise

[Sent to Senators Westlund and Walker:]

Thank you for your support of SB 30 and further efforts to preserve the natural beauty of the Metolius River Basin – a unique and great heritage of Oregon and the world. The basin is not suitable for destination resorts.

The future value of the basin is spectacular scenery, the unique spring-fed river and tributaries, a wild-trout fishery, unusual geologic and forest features, and a recreation area for those that appreciate natural beauty unscarred by condominiums, golf courses, automobile traffic, and all the detriment that comes with large resort schemes.

Twenty-five years ago, my father donated 30 acres of virgin forest and riparian lands along the Metolius River to the Nature Conservancy as a part our family’s commitment to preserve the natural beauty of the area for future generations. We ask that the Oregon Legislature also work to preserve the Metolius legacy, and are grateful for your efforts.

Sincerely yours

Spencer H. Wood
Boise, Idaho

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